Solomon O. David
I will like to speak to you about how you can unleash leadership power in you to bless your generation. I believe God is expecting each of us to come to our place in him and function the way he has created us to function. Each one of us is called to be a leader and function in the areas of our callings.
However, you must know first and foremost that Leadership is not a function of position, leadership is a choice.
You do not have to occupy a position to exercise leadership and influence. You will enter into leadership by first understanding yourself i.e. who you are - your inner make up and gifting and choose to find your voice in the midst of the ocean of voiced and voiceless being. By doing that you could teach others what you are learning yourself, influencing them to live right and fulfill their purpose too.
The question you must consider is “what are you learning in life by the experiences and dealings you are going through and how does God want you to use this experiences and dealing to bless his people?” The experience may be spiritual, academic, business or career. Obviously there is something that God is teaching every one of us by what we are facing daily as we try to follow God. God is imparting into us life and experiences that are peculiar to us and our generation as young people. God desire that we come to a place whereby we can be used to help one another
The widespread reluctance to take initiative and act independently is evidence that you have not discovered who you truly are or you have not found your voice or you are afraid to express what God is showing to you because you feel it may not be approved.
Man is created to be intellectually independent i.e. to make choices on daily bases on whom to believe, follow and served. The intellectual independence is giving to man to serve either God or Satan by the kind of decision he makes and the kind of life he lives on daily bases.
You can only take initiative and act independently by first finding out who you are and what your voice is.
Your voice is the expression of who you are created to be and do. Your voice is your calling and it is wrapped in the identification of your divine make up.
If you do not know who you are, you cannot know what you are called to do. If you do not know what you are called to do, you will never know how to do them? And if you do not know how to do them, you cannot be who God has destined you to be.
You must first understand who you are.
Spiritual reality shows that there are only two types of people on earth; Those who are saved and redeemed by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus and those who are sinners. Literally the two types of people on earth are believer in Christ and those who do not believe in Him. This needs to be defined for proper understanding.
To believe in Christ is not a mental acceptance of who Christ is neither is it a literal knowledge of who he is. It is a heart believes that leads to one making a definite decision to be the true follower of Christ by open declaration of ones allegiance to Him. (Romans 10: 6 - 13). That is to say, you must be Born Again.
If you are not born again you cannot truly identify who you are. You will have distorted view of yourself. To truly know who you are, you must be born into the family of your creator, i.e. the family of God and the only way to be born into that family it is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. This is non negotiable. Until then whoever you think you are make no meaning before God. It has no eternal value. It would only bring you temporal fulfillment and it would not last.
Note that Satan knows who you are created to be and he knows the gifts and talents that God has given to you to achieve them and he is in the business of manipulating man and the gift of God in them to achieve his own wicked end.
Many who are discovering their natural talents today are becoming voices for Satan. This is because they do not have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They do not know who they are in God neither are they member of his family by spiritual birth. They may be making progress and becoming successful in their field of natural calling, ditto education, business and career but their work has no lasting impact in the life of men they are called to serve, rather they have become vessels in the hand of the devil to promote godless principle and agenda that Satan has written for them to fulfill.
Do you want to be part of this satanic family using your natural gift and talent to help Satan fulfill his agenda or you want to be part of God's family and be used to bring salvation and redemption to human race?
Those in the family of God are those that are born again. There is a reason why you are born into the family of God and those natural and spiritual gifts that are given to you are given to you to become a voice for God in this world.
A man's gift and calling defines who he is in the family of God. In the natural family a child may be scientifically gifted and grew up to become a doctor. In that case, the child is first a scientist called to take care of the sick and the way to do it is to become a doctor. This child gift is science and his calling is to be a doctor.
In God’s family you must know your gift and who you are called to be or else you may not be able to fulfill your destiny.
Ask yourself these essential questions:
Who am I? What am I called to be? What am I called to do and how am I going to do it? Then you will hear a voice telling you who you are if you are sincere enough.